Donald Trump Hollywood Walk Star Destroyed ... With a Pickax, Again

7/25/2018 6:45 AM PDT

Breaking News

imagePresident Trump[1]'s star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame is no more -- again -- after police say a man smashed it to smithereens with a pickax. That's right ... ANOTHER pickax!

Police reportedly took a man into custody early Wednesday morning after turning himself in to Beverly Hills PD for vandalizing Trump's star. The dude who axed the star reportedly called cops to report the crime ... but was nowhere to be seen when they arrived.

imageWitnesses and police say the man arrived on Hollywood Blvd. with a guitar case in hand, from which he pulled out the pickax. Then ... he allegedly went at it and crushed the star to rubble -- causing far more damage than James Otis did in 2016[2].

Speaking of Otis ... it's unclear if he was involved. The current suspect's identity has yet to be revealed. 

Between this and George Lopez's fake peeing[3] on the often-screwed-with star ... the Hollywood Chamber of Commerce -- which oversees and maintains the stars -- might wanna consider a long-term solution[4] for this. We still got at least 2 more years, folks.

Story developing ...

References^ President Trump (^ than James Otis did in 2016 (^ George Lopez's fake peeing (^ a long-term solution (

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