Trump Star Vandal James Otis I'll Pay $20k Bail For the New Pickax Vandal

7/25/2018 2:26 PM PDT


imageThe OG Donald Trump[1] Walk of Fame Star vandal is coming to the rescue of the latest guy to take a pickax to Trump's star ... by bailing him out of jail.

You might recall, James Otis[2] attacked Trump's star in 2016 -- also with a pickax -- and we've learned he's now stepping up to pay the $20k bail for Austin Clay ... the 24-year-old who went off[3] on Trump's star early Wednesday morning.

We're told Otis isn't just writing a check either -- he also plans to meet Clay in person as soon as he's released.

James, who is the Otis elevator heir, avoided hard time after pleading no contest. Instead, he got 3 years probation[4], 20 days of community service[5] and had to pay $4,400 to replace the damaged star[6].

BTW, no word if Otis will tip his cap to Clay, who clearly decimated the OG performance.

References^ Donald Trump (^ James Otis (^ who went off (^ 3 years probation (^ community service (^ the damaged star (

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