The buzz at the “Studio 54”[1] screening at Ian Schrager’s Public hotel on the Lower East Side was the whereabouts of the infamous Dupont twins.

The twins, who grew up Robert and Richard Lasko[2], gave themselves the tonier Dupont name as teenagers when they befriended Andy Warhol and were regulars at Studio 54.

But neither attended Thursday’s screening or after-party, even though Robert appears in the documentary.

Robert, who had been sober for a decade, was at Las Encinas Hospital in Pasadena, Calif., after falling off the wagon and suffering a nervous breakdown.

Richard told me Robert, who lives in NYC, was heartbroken from a two-month bad romance with a hunky Ford model, during which he squandered hundreds of thousands of dollars he’d made in art-dealing commissions.

“He was suicidal and spent four days in Lenox Hill Hospital, but he survived,” Richard said. “I’m so relieved.” Richard bought his brother a plane ticket to LA so Robert could enter rehab near Richard’s home in Palm Springs.

The twins missed partying with co-host Robert De Niro, Ansel Elgort, Maggie Q, Dylan McDermott and models Helena Christensen, Elsa Hosk and Georgia Fowler.


  1. ^ “Studio 54” (
  2. ^ Richard Lasko (

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