In a move sure to make medical marijuana advocates happy, the governor of Virginia approves CBD legislation bill which greatly expands the state’s medical marijuana program. Gov. Ralph Northam signed House Bill 1251 (HB-1251) on Friday, March 9. The new law also allows the use of THC-A oil to treat serious medical conditions.

The Virginia House and Senate passed the bill last month before sending it to Northam for his signature. The Senate’s version passed with a unanimous vote February 5.

New Options For Doctors

Doctors could approve the cannabis remedies for any disease if the physician believes they will help the patient. The legislature passed Virginia’s original medical marijuana program in 2015.

Under that plan, only those with intractable epilepsy can use medical marijuana.

The new law authorizes drug processing companies to dispense a 30 to 90 day supply of the medicines to patients.

Activists Applaud The Move

Cannabis activists in the state reacted positively to the news. Jenn Michelle Pedini is the executive director of Virginia NORMAL. She told local media that the new law will help many patients in the state.

“This will bring relief to thousands of Virginians suffering from cancer, Crohn’s disease and PTSD,” Pedini said. “We could not be happier with the unanimous passage of these bills.”

Not only activists are seeking medical marijuana policy reform in Virginia. Public opinion also favors change. A poll released last year by Quinnipiac University found that 94 percent of Virginians approved of the medicinal use of cannabis. Allowing recreational use of marijuana was supported by 59 percent of those polled.

Alternative to Opioids?

House Delegate Benjamin L. Cline, a Republican from Rockbridge, introduced HB-1251. He told reporters that medical

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