16 & Pregnant's Jordan Cashmyer Checks Into Rehab
- Category: Celebrities
- Hits: 3108
Jordan Cashmyer, who was featured in the 5th season of 16 & Pregnant, has checked herself into rehab. She was said to have hit rock bottom after losing her job at the gym. Then she reportedly became so intoxicated at her mom's house that she stumbled and busted up her face. We thought she hit bottom when she was knocked-up and homeless at 16... go figure.
We Love Outerspace!
- Category: The Rest Of Us
- Hits: 3097
A rocket scientist doesn't always make headlines, at least not for the clothes he wears. Matt Taylor, a scientist for the Rosetta space probe project launched by the ESA to perform a detailed study of a comet, found himself in a bit of a controversy after having appeared on a web broadcast wearing a shirt "decorated with garish comic-book depictions of nubile, but not naked women". Really! Like geeky science guys have never done such things before.
Woman in Cat Shirt Arrested For Poisoning Dog
- Category: The Rest Of Us
- Hits: 1830
We all know dogs and cats don't always get along. Now there's proof. Margaret Werker, 73, of Colorado Springs, pleaded guilty to a felony animal cruelty charge. Her offense? Tossing poisoned chicken over the fence to her neighbor's dog -- while wearing a cat shirt. Get it? Remember... she represents the rest of us!
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